Thursday 10 February 2011

Day 1

Im new to blogging & i seen a friend's blog & thought its worth giving ago so i can see how im doing but also let people see how i am doing.
As you can see i am a big person, ive not always been big, i dont no how heavy i am tho, but im in really big clothes & really embarssed about it, i wanna beable to fit into size 12.
I left school in June 2007 & havent done anything since, ive had a keyworker for about 2 years, shes ment to come get me out & about but doesnt come that often which makes me feel like shes embarssed to been seen with me.
I hardly go out, i mean when i do go out, i think everyone is judging me so i tend to stay indoors, i hate getting dressed, i feel more comfy in pjs which i think is to do with my size,
I would love to join slimming world but cant get to classes as i dont drive but im wanting help from other members of S.W on how to eat the right foods :)
I wanna beable to feel good about myself & be happy to go outside without thinking everyone is staring at me.
Ive been doing step up's but lately ive stopped & cant be arsed :( im sick of not having energy to do anything.
Just wanna say that the problem i have is drinking fizzy juice or eating crisps


  1. Hey hun, You know if you ever need advice about SW meals or anything just let me know! I have been on SW 1 month and I've lost 13lb. I can eat LOADS and I'm never hungry.
    Imagine your plate as a clock. From 1-4 put your meat (no fat) from 4-12 put your veg. It really works! Do this 4 times a week and you will soon notice a difference! Honestly, joining SW has made me a different person. I now have so much energy it's unreal.
    You're allowed 15 syns a day. 1 packet of crisps is apprximately 5 syns and if you want fizzy drinks, drink pepsi max because it is syn free! You can drink as much of it as you want.
    1 Kit Kat chunky is 13 syns! However, you can have the thin dairy milks which are only 5 syns. Eat LOT's of Fresh fruit and veg and snack on grapes, mullerlight, banana's etc... I will find some recipes for you and put them on my page so you get an idea of what I eat! Also, forward planning is the key! Sit down and write a weeks menu.. STICK TO IT! Eating Ice cream (I saw on your status) ISN'T going to help!

    Good luck hunny xx

  2. Aw thanks. :O i cant believe youve lost all that in just 1 month!
    I did used to drink pepsi maxz but then i turned to diet coke.
    I dont cook the dinner because i still live with my parents so i have to have what they are having, or i have to sort it out myself, but i wouldnt no what to have as im really fussy. But i am trying to but its hard :( ive met really nice people on twitter who's joined SW & ive got some advice from them tooo!
    Thank you for your help x
