Monday 14 March 2011

A trip to the Hospital x

Never thought about writing this on here so I decided too J , so I went to the hospital for a check-up about my kidney problems, I went with my sister as my mum wasn’t well, I was really nervous, so I went && told them I had arrived & went to the waiting room && my sister went up to the ward she works on && I was taken to get B/P, weight etc done, so once that was done I went back to sit down && then my sister came && was asking about my B/P but I forgot, so she came into the room with me when I was seeing the doctor && he was pretty nasty L he said that I eat too much salt, my B/P was really high but to be honest I think its because my mum wasn’t with me && I freaked out. So I came home, picked my niece up from school && my mum && sister was pure having ago, so I PUREE lost it, I wasn’t having them speaking about me like a was a child!!! I haven’t been so angry in YEARS! I don’t think they realise that I’m not a child && I’m nearly 2O, I found out that my mum said my sister HAD to come into the room with me, makes me so angry, I don’t want to be treated like a child! I’m sick of it.
Ive been out for ONE walk since 9th March, that’s because its been really snowy & im doing well on not eating salty crisps, im having “ salt && shake “ but without the salt.
I don’t think im eating as much as I used to, I think maybe the doctor scared me a bit && I have to see my doctor next week, they want me to see a diet person ( LOL) but apparently they are horrible so =/ we shall see! I’ll keep this up to date tho!